Blog STP Blog STP

Open Letter: Women for Julie Su

Dear President Biden, as prominent leaders committed to gender, reproductive, racial, and economic justice, we urge you to nominate Julie Su for United States Secretary of Labor.

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Blog Aimee Allison Blog Aimee Allison

A Democracy For Us All: The State of Women of Color in 2022

Democracy was the winner in the 2022 Midterm Election cycle, with election deniers and MAGA extremists conceding races in a way that was a clear repudiation of Trumpism and extremism. Exit polls show people of color – particularly women of color – had a big role in making that happen.

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Blog STP Blog STP

Solidarity is Only Response to AAPI Hate

Over the last couple weeks, as people started wearing masks in public to protect themselves, I resisted. As an Asian American woman in the time of COVID-19, I walk around knowing I am already perceived as a threat. I’ve thought to myself: if I put on a mask, it will only get worse. People will think I have the virus, and I’ll only be putting myself at greater risk of more attention and the possibility of harassment.

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