Monday, april 20, 2020 | 4pm PT / 7pm ET

Dispatch from the Frontlines:
COVID-19’s Impact on Communities of Color

A Digital Town Hall with Women of Color Congressional Leaders

It’s clear - Contrary to what many have been saying, COVID-19 is not the great equalizer. In fact, structural racism continues to perpetuate health and other disparities in Black and Brown communities in the midst of this global pandemic. 

From death rates and hate crimes to health care access for incarcerated and undocumented people, the virus is having a disproportional impact on communities of color, threatening lives as well livelihoods and civil liberties.  We need to protect our most vulnerable now.

That’s why She the People is joining with partners to host a digital town hall with women of color congressional leaders on the impact of the coronavirus on our communities.

Partners: Congressional Progressive Caucus Center, Climate Justice Alliance (CJA), Kentuckians for The Commonwealth, Communications Workers of America (CWA), People’s Action and Community Change Action.